Fortresses and defence history on the Upper Rhine 1870-1999 (DE-FR)

FORTE CULTURA Fortress Group: Fortresses and Defence History Upper Rhine 1870-1999 (DE-FR)

Hidden fortress heritage 1870-1999

European history in the Franco-German border region

The Upper Rhine region is one of the most contested regions in Europe. Countless castles, fortresses, defence lines, military and government bunkers on both sides of the Franco-German border can be found here, some completely preserved, others as listed ruins.

Many of these fortress monuments can be experienced by tourists today, organised by dedicated interest groups and private individuals. The Regional Network Fortresses and Defence History on the Upper Rhine 1929-1999 is an association of several fortress monuments and museums, which are part of FORTE CULTURA as a fortress group. Discover exciting fortress architecture and unique stories on the Upper Rhine.

Dettenheim-Rußheim (DE)

Dettenheim-Rußheim (DE)

Military bunker: Museum Westwall Bunker Dettenheim-Rußheim (DE)
Griesheim-sur-Souffel (FR)

Griesheim-sur-Souffel (FR)

Military bunker: Nellkopf Infantry Base I52 (FR)
Hornisgrinde (DE)

Hornisgrinde (DE)

Military bunker: former French command bunker Hornisgrinde (DE)
Kehl-Neumühl (DE)

Kehl-Neumühl (DE)

Military bunker: Westwall camouflage bunker Kehl-Neumühl (DE)
Neuried Altenheim(DE)

Neuried Altenheim(DE)

Military bunker: Westwall camouflage bunker "Emilie" (DE)
Reimerswiller (FR)

Reimerswiller (FR)

Military bunker: Bunker PC Reimerswiller - Historical Museum (FR)
Walbourg (FR)

Walbourg (FR)

Museum 1870-1945 Alsace (FR)

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Westwall cycle tour with FORTE CULTURA guide

Immerse yourself in the hidden world of anti-tank barriers through hump lines, wet and dry trenches, walls and blasting funnels. Discover hidden protective structures from the one-man bunker to the B-Werk. The cycle tour starts at the railway station in Wörth am Rhein and runs for around 47 kilometres along the defence lines of the Siegfried Line to Bad Bergzabern, where the tour ends with a visit to the Siegfried Line Museum in the preserved bunker complex.

Treffpunkt: Bahnhof, 76744 Wörth am Rhein
Ausrüstung: Fahrrad geeignet zum Fahren auf unbefestigten Wegen oder Mountain-Bike
Dauer: ca. 6 Stunden (Länge ca. 47 km)
weitere Informationen

Cultural heritage
fortified monuments
of the Upper Rhine region

The Upper Rhine region is one of the most fought-over regions in Europe. Fortified monuments from all eras bear witness to this exciting cultural history. Today they are monuments full of life and culture.

Discover the history of fortress construction over the last 350 years in the 30 FORTE CULTURA fortresses and museums on the Upper Rhine.


Many of the monuments are run by volunteers and are not open all the time. However, these fascinating fortresses can be visited as part of guided tours and events. Calendar of events

80 years since the end of the Second World War in fortresses

To mark the 80th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, many commemorative events will take place in 2024 and 2025, particularly in the Upper Rhine region. Memorials and memorials in FORTE CULTURA fortresses

Poster and flyer commemorative events 2024-2025 on the Upper Rhine

Poster 80 years after the end of the Second World War on the Upper Rhine


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