FORTE CULTURA World of Experience

Culture - Entertainment - Recreation - Relaxation - Discovery

Today, historic fortified monuments are centres for encounters, culture and tourism in many places. Mighty fortress walls form extraordinary backdrops for a wide range of fascinating experiences for young and old.

Erleben Sie Konzerte von Klassik bis Punk in Festungen wie der Kulturfestung Šibenik or the Mainz Citadel. Entdecken Sie Museen in den Oberfränkischen Kulturfestungen, historische Schlachten in den Kulturparks der Böhmischen und Schlesischen Festungen, Festivals in Venezianischen Festungsmonumenten, Märchen auf der sächsischen Festung Königstein oder Weihnachtsmärkte in Bastionen. Dinnieren und übernachten Sie in historischen Festungen und entspannen Sie in romantischen Festungsparks und Gärten sowie der umgebenden Natur.

Discover FORTE CULTURA theme worlds

Family and children

Family and children

Play worlds, learning and leisure activities, sport and fun in fortress monuments round...

Remembrance sites and memorials

Remembrance sites and memorials

Fortresses as places of remembrance Fortresses and fortifications had a...

Secret architectures

Secret architectures

The invisible fortress monuments of the world wars and the atomic age Secrecy, camouflage...

Experience military history

Experience military history

Great battles, bivouacs and soldiers' lives Colourful uniforms, historical weapons, cavalry,...

Museums and exhibitions

Museums and exhibitions

Something for everyone: art, cultural history, everyday life, the banal, the special, the mysterious, the extravagant In...

Music events in monuments

Music events in monuments

Once cannon-proof - today a bombastic atmosphere Classical music in fortresses Inspiring classical events...

Experience nature, parks and gardens

Experience nature, parks and gardens

Flowers, blossoms and enchanting nature, where cannons once thundered Defiant...

Reside & Enjoy

Reside & Enjoy

Sleep in historic walls From youth hostels and flats to luxury hotels...



Active fortresses - conquering fortified cultural heritage through sport Whether hiking, running,...
