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Remembrance weekend UNDERTONE and the 2nd liberation (DE/FR)

March 14 March 16

From mid-March 1945 to the end of March 1945, Operation UNDERTONE led the Allies through the Siegfried Line to the Rhine and led to the collapse of the German troops west of the Rhine. For northern Alsace and north-eastern Lorraine, the operation was the second liberation after NORDWIND. The commemorative weekend will be organised with the following events:

14.03.2025 Lecture "Entre Rhin et Danube - Sur les traces de la 1e Armée et de la 2e DB - Normandie-Provence-Alsace-Allemagne" at the Musée Mémorial in Walbourg

15.03.2025 Wreath-laying ceremony in memory of all those who died at NORDWIND and UNDERTONE at the German military cemetery in Niederbronn in northern Alsace

15.03.2025 Lecture "Between the Rhine and the Danube - In the footsteps of the 1st French Army and the 2nd French Armoured Division - Normandy-Provence-Alsace-Germany" at the Wehgeschichtliches Museum in Rastatt
