Famous master builders of historic fortifications
The fascination emanating from fortified monuments is automatically transferred to their creators, the engineer-architects. Thanks to their innovative approaches, some of them became real star architects of their time, whose construction methods (manners) were imitated throughout Europe and whose treatises became standard works in Europe.
Get to know some of the most colourful fortress builders with FORTE CULTURA.

Sébastien le Prestre de Vauban
(1633 - 1707)
"Ingénieur de France", French general, master fortress builder of Louis XIV and Marshal of France

Johann Maximilian von Welsch
(1671 - 1745)
Architecte et maître d'œuvre de la forteresse Directeur général des travaux de l'Electorat de Mayence et de Bamberg

Michele Sanmicheli
(1484 - 1559)
Italian fortress architect
Developer of the modern bastion fortress construction of the modern era

Antonio da Sangallo the Younger
(1484 - 1546)
Italian architect and fortress builder of the Renaissance