FORTE CULTURA Guided tour: Federal fortress Ulm (DE)
The somewhat different guided tour of the Wilhelmsburg Ulm
In the inn „Zum dreggada Spatz“, the landlady Kreszenz finds only one key, which has been lost by soldiers bragging about the colliery. The key fits the Wilhelmsburg! While collecting her just wages, the landlady sets off on a search – despite the rumours that the castle is haunted…
The fortified city of Ulm has undergone many reconstructions. From 1527, the medieval town fortifications were equipped and extended against firearms in accordance with Dürer’s theory of fortification. In the 17th century, the bastion system was modelled on the Italian system. In the middle of the 19th century, the fortifications were extended to form the federal fortress of Ulm on both sides of the Danube, the largest fortress ensemble in Europe at the time.
Many soldiers were always stationed in the town, living and drinking but not leaving a penny behind!
In the inn „Zum dreggada Spatz“, the landlady Kreszenz only finds a key that the mob has lost. This key obviously fits the Wilhelmsburg! Collecting her just wages, the landlady sets off on a search – despite the rumours that the castle is haunted…
Join Willy and the landlady on their adventurous search during the somewhat different costume tour of the Wilhelmsburg Ulm.
The tour will be led by Jörg Zenker and Gaby Fischer from the Schaulustiges Ulm theatre group.
Jörg Zenker
Tour guide with
FORTE CULTURA certificate
on behalf of
Tourist-Information Ulm/ Neu-Ulm (Townhouse)
Notes on the guided tour
Duration: ca. 90 minutes
Price: 20,00 € per person,
Meeting point:
Observation tower Michelsberg,
Prittwitzstraße 100, 89073 Ulm
Sturdy shoes, a torch and warm clothing are advisable.
Please note that a visit to Wilhelmsburg Ulm is always at your own risk. The Tourist Information Ulm/Neu-Ulm and the guides do not accept any liability, even in the context of guided tours. The legal owner of the described offer and solely liable for its contents is the organiser: Jörg Zenker
Jörg Zenker is a tour guide with FORTE CULTURA certification.
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