FORTE CULTURA Elbe Fortresses

FORTE CULTURA ® THE EUROPEAN CULTURE RouTE OF FORTIFIED MONUMENTS FORTE CULTURA ® connects the most beautiful destina­ tions in Europe with its historic fortress monuments. Whether in Salzburg, Prague, Rome, Barcelona, Helsin­ ki, Copenhagen, Dubrovnik or Gdansk, along the Elbe, the Danube, the Rhine, in the Campo de Gibraltar or the Balkans. Thematic travel recommendations open up excursion possibilities from weekenders to European tours, as a cultural tour, study tour or active tour. Discover new or old familiar with a new view, by bike, motorbike, car and caravan, or by boat. TRAVEL RECOMMENDATIONS TO FORTIFIED MONUMENTS AT THE ELBE Cycling-Active Tours Historical fortress monuments in the cultural landsca­ pe Bohemia and Saxony- From the Upper Elbe up to the Middle Elbe Bybike from the renaissance and fortress cityTorgau to the Prussian fortress Magdeburg Study Tours In Napoleon's footsteps along the Elbe - Saxony exci­ ting fortified monuments under the influence of the Conqueror (fromWittenberg to Konigstein) Rich fortress architecture of Bohemia under the Influ­ ence of the Habsburg Monarchy - Fortified Ideal Cities, fortified castles and castles between Josefov and De­ cin Prussia's sabre-rattling on the middle and /owe Elbe Fortress construction to secure the newEuropean Gre­ at Power (from Magdeburg to Cuxhaven) Weekender Reformation historyin fortress cities of the Elbe (Torgau - L uther town Wittenberg - Magdeburg)